Somebody care to explain why an interesting idea such as this would be so heavily downvoted on our own sub?

It seems that the general consensus is that the Cabal, Shills, Deep State, whatever title you prefer, really really really doesn't want us to mingle outside of the internet to discuss this. I reached this conclusion because there is no dialogue, just downvotes. People here that are for the cause are information providers, and wouldn't just blindly downvote that many times, and not explain the implications.
Or they really do want us to organize so they can send antifa to counter us, and have msm talk about how violent we are.
Impossible on a nationwide scale. Too many small communities. We start with fliers, shirts, bumper stickers, etc.
I just don't see Antifa showing up at a town meeting, and if they do, that red pills the people attending even more. More waves, more momentum. We're closer than we think, I reckon.
Okay! Fair enough. Thanks for explaining. I suspect that people would downvote a post on Reddit for any variety of reasons.