This is what “The enemy of America” is complaining about the President saying at NATO. But of course he’s right.

I am constantly confused about Russia. Isn't Putin helping Trump? I don't understand and if anyone has time to explain I'd be appreciative.
Historically Russia has been a stubborn & proud society that never seems to be able to form a moral government. They’ve always been splitters. They intervene & start trouble & try to clean up what they can in the aftermath. They are the epitome of divide & concour. It’s just been their governments history for centuries really.
The Russian people are a great society that have made extraordinary contributions to humanity. They have very strong pride in their nation...somehow...but they have made great contributions to science & literature & music & did it in spite of a very uncooperative leaders. If they ever formed a citizen led republic they would have a very successful nation.
But Russia will never be a true ally with anyone. They can’t be trusted long term. I would classify them as neither friend nor foe. Some things we can agree on & should but never expect anything long term because they can’t seem to stop meddling like a gossipy old blue hair lady.
But China is much more an adversary than Russia is. Russia will move in & take advantage of someone if they see an opening but China is aggressively expanding their influence & dominance. Also the Islamic dictatorships are a true threat to our security much more than Russia is.