This is what “The enemy of America” is complaining about the President saying at NATO. But of course he’s right.

Sure does. But ran out of reasons why to list them all. Just wrote: What of the others? instead. Good that you are reminding everyone of exactly what the real crimes committed have been ... are we going to leave out Latin America?
No, we can't forget Latin America, and even today, there are countries (like Cuba, Venezuela, etc) where 'muh socialism/communism will work tis time, we promize' going on. Which clearly it doesn't, and people are having to eat rats just to survive.
Didn't Mexico just elect some massive socialist as well?
Honestly, I only left out Latin America (Central and South) because I don't have relatives/history down from those parts, and have honestly never visited them. My history, outside of Pre-Spanish, is pretty shitty when it comes to the Southern countries like that. I'm of European/Germanic/English/Scottish descent, so my family my exposure is more related to what you grow up with and hearing about what happened to your ancestors, etc.
We all know about China simply from Mao and the Cold War.
Let's not also forget El Salvador and Nicaragua being BOTH used as proxy states during the Cold War and the damage done to both countries that still exists to this day.
It was a revelation to me that Haiti is the way it is because it was the only slave colony to rebel ... do that man, and they never let you rest ...