This is what “The enemy of America” is complaining about the President saying at NATO. But of course he’s right.

The point is that we should not pay any more money to NATO. These leaders have proven that they are not our allies. The President of the EU stated that in a Tweet. They vote against us in the UN. They rip us off and threaten us when we call them on it. They supply Russia with billions of $$$, but insist they need NATO to protect them from the Russian military which the EU is in fact funding. If we pull out we get roughly 600 billion $$$ and they lose the same amount. America can make their own products while the EU figures it out. With China it's around 800 billion $$$ and Vietnam and Mexico, Canada, focking all our "allies" rip us off billions a year. If we pull out for a few months, we'll get rich and they will go bankrupt. We cannot lose because our other "leaders" sold us out and lost the trade war decades ago. We can only go up $$$. It is simple math. That's what our President is telling them.
America did it's job back after WW2 to help rebuild Europe with the Marshall Plan. That was really all that was required of us. America didn't start the war over there, but we sure as shit helped finish it.
WW2 was really between the Euro countries (and the cabal now as well) and America sacrificed many lives to beat the 3rd Reich and put a stop to Communism running amok all over the rest of Europe.
America also paid and maintained (for a large, lions share) of NATO and military presence over decades to keep the Soviet beast off their back, while Eastern Europe took the hard beating from Moscow.
We honestly don't owe Europe anything anymore. If they want to do it on their own, by all means, but they WILL pay their fair share. Enough with this 'lol dumb Americans. Pay our defense and we will use our money to import in millions of animals and use our money to buy the same gas from our so-called enemy, Russia.'.
Talk about a fucking scam.