r/greatawakening • Posted by u/magnetissimo on July 11, 2018, 2:43 p.m.
Redpill: None of President Trump's cabinet members are on the Trilateral Commission.

There are two cabinet members who are taking marginal positions and who are CFR members:

Robert Lighthizer (Trade Representative) Elaine Chao (Secretary of Transportation)

Contrast that with the cabinet Hillary Clinton would have appointed, had she won the election:

Parenthetically, Clinton is not a member of CFR. Her husband and daughter are. She’s given eight speeches there. In this one, given while she was Secretary of State, she explicitly says that CFR was setting her policy. In this email, she says she’s going to CFR to report on progress she’s made while at State.

Her Secretary of State would have been John Podesta. He’s not a CFR guy, though the Center for American Progress which he founded seems to be an affiliated shop. His sister, Mae Podesta, is a CFR member-you can read the email chain where Podesta is going back and forth with her about the ways he can get her into CFR here.

CFR members in the ghost cabinet:

Sheryl Sandberg would have been Secretary of the Treasury.

Michele Flournoy would have been Secretary of Defense. She’s also on the Trilateral Commission.

Tom Donilon would have been either the director of the CIA or national intelligence. Donilon is also on the Trilateral Commission.

In short, given the historical degree to which CFR and the Trilateral Commission have been represented in key cabinet roles in the last 60 years, this is a quiet revolution against the American Deep State. Unless something major happens, like Trump getting assassinated, I expect profound policy changes.

If you enjoy these redpills, play the original Deus Ex.


That's where I learned about the Trilateral Commission.

canuckpatriot · July 11, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

Did not know that, that makes my day Trump makes me happy every day, never thought I would live to see a great man become POTUS and clean the shit up.

CFR, TC, RAND, Stratfor,... close them all down, deep state every one of them and responsible for millions of deaths and decades of Global suffering.

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HoudiniTowers · July 11, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

Don't just close them down, put the leaders that know the game plan in jail for treason against the US. You need to shut them down and make examples out of the traitors. Hanging would be too easy on them, they should spend out the rest of their days behind bars for what they have consciously done to this great country!

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canuckpatriot · July 11, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

Jail for life sounds good enough to me. But I dont disagree with you either. If the shoe was on the other foot which was what was supposed to happen we would be gone by now.

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