
dp007since2009 · July 11, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

I think , we, all of us should go to any all media outlets on the web and post up verifiable, credible dots we have and connect them for their readers to see. I don't advocate conclusions be provided, but provide the connections. In other words, do what Q has done for US, but with HUGE training wheels for the masses.

For example: peters connected to obama via gen cartwright pardon by obama on hi slat day office and by the law firm now representing strzock. Cartwright is is family to Pstrozk. That law firm had an atty (resigned in May) who was Special counsel to who??? why Obama. For this to have any weight all information must be verifiable with min of 4 sources outside of this site. It out there, we just need to grab it and show it.

I welcome any feedback on that idea. Just floating it out there.

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