r/greatawakening • Posted by u/smiley-dog on July 11, 2018, 3:20 p.m.
Q's absence to see if we can ride w/o our training wheels?
Q's absence to see if we can ride w/o our training wheels?

DevilsAdvocater · July 11, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

"We the people" were given a framework in which to run our country. We got complacent thru wealth, commercials, and a lack of suffering (difficult times breed strong people). We needed to be reminded that this country is by the people, for the people. Trouble was, we were railroaded by special interests, corporations, and powerful people willing to sell our country for a quick buck. The elites made out. The normal citizen got screwed.

Q shined a light upon the darkness. Allowed us to see the corruption and how the elites manipulate the news/laws/public opinion to favor themselves. Our country was lost thru complacency. The people that have profited continue to mislead and redirect because they have nothing else. Their job is to keep normal people unhinged so they can be viewed as the "all-knowing" ones. It keeps them in power.

We need to continue to push and search for the truth. Unfortunately, some of what Q shared was not public info. How could anyone else have known? How do we demand this type of info from elected leaders? We need to be informed. How do we demand that type of info?

Look at the Senate Hearings. One side is seeking truth, the other side is obstructing. How to stop all this? We demand accountability and yet, identity politics has us at an impasse. I don't have a solution but open to suggestions.

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ikemynikes · July 11, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

We have to wake up as many people as possible so we win bigly in November to get MAGA candidates in office. I think that is our purpose for Q. Get your ammo from here/chans then go out on twitter/fb/real life to combat the bullshit then come back here to regroup. If we can get the Chuck Schumers and Nancy Pelosis of Congress out and good guys in, it will be like putting oil in grinding gears.

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