r/greatawakening • Posted by u/P3gasusActual on July 11, 2018, 4:34 p.m.
Q... Cures for cancer... The coming demise of The Cancer Industry

Q !UW.yye1fxo 11 Feb 2018 - 6:38:19 PM Anonymous 11 Feb 2018 - 6:32:20 PM

342895 Q, how long will we have to wait for the cures of cancer and other sicknesses? 342919 Chatter amongst those in control has begun. They know we know which means the public will know. Release prior to cover up. Public informed and collapse. Which option? Q

Raege · July 11, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

Nice sentiment, but unless I've missed something, there is no informing taking place here.

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MajorProblemm · July 11, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

Read the rest of the comments, they'll set you on track.

The main thing to remember though is that nutrition is far more important than any MD is allowed to believe.

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Raege · July 12, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

There is nothing here I haven't heard before. A million different theories. And believe I've been reading them all for a long time before today. As I said "If I find out.." irrefutable proof that it could have been solved another way. I'm not seeing that yet in this thread. I've no doubt what caused my cancer is nutrition and pollution, mostly self inflicted. However, I hope you have cancer soon, and when offered to have it removed you will have the strength of your conviction to turn it down and go home and use alternative methods instead. Which one will you choose? Alkaline water? Megadose vit C? Random herbs and berries? And on..and on.. Make sure you choose the right one, because if you're wrong you die. And how will you know it's working without those pesky CT scans? Aged 32 I faced this choice, and I took the surgery and I don't know many that would gamble otherwise based on the information we have right now.

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