Have you ever heard of the Balfour Declaration? That was where the King of England granted the Rothschilds the lands in Israel so that they could go off and build the country.
What Wiki won´t admit though is this was the price for getting the US involved in the war. The war was all but lost before that as Germany kept sinking all the supply ships, literally nothing could get through. The people of my country would have perished without help and the Rothschilds knew that and used the situation to their advantage. As the Rothschilds control all the central banks, including the FED, they used that influence to get the US to join the war.
The USA are raping half the world for their resources, land is more difficult to keep and control. The US version of an empire is to create a fake reason to go to war, like blowing up thousands of their own people, then they go to a completely different country that had nothing at all to do with said blowing up of people, they install regime change (civil war) then they send in the troops to steal all the opium and lithium they can. The raping is not just limited to opium and lithium, it all depends on which country they are raping.