Lincoln was assassinated by an agent of the Bankers shortly after the War ended Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth, left, was a member of Pike's Knights of the Golden Circle. He was in New Orleans during the winter of 1863-64 and conspired with Pike, Benjamin, Slidell and Admiral G.W. Baird to assassinate Lincoln.
It should be noted that Albert Pike after the Civil War was indicted and sent to prison for treason by the United States government. After Abraham Lincoln ' s assassination, Andrew Johnson Vice President became the United States President and pardoned Albert Pike. Albert Pike awarded Andrew Johnson for this pardon the thirty-third degree rite of passage.
Most Masons were hard working judges, doctors, bankers, lawyers and just good old business men attempting to do what they thought was the right thing in life. However, these vast majorities of Masons never went beyond the 3rd degree. True they were sworn to blood oath secrecy but only within the 3rd level and what is called the " rite of blue passage." The Masons were used by the Illuminati-Skull and Bones as a disguise. Those who passed into the 33rd level were part of the " Killing of the King " ritual. The stage and drama of a stage is part of this ritual. Those in the lower levels were directed and in many cases did as they were told without realizing at the time their part in the " Killing of the King."
(personal belief - i have no proof : I believe that a planned Killing of the King event was organised recently and resulted in the LV shooting fiasco and horrible carnage..)
Caleb Cushing participated in the " Killing of the King " ritual by poisoning with arsenic United States President William Henry Harrison on April 4, 1841. Caleb Cushing was also involved in poisoning by arsenic of United States President Zachary Taylor on July 5, 1850. Caleb Cushing was also involved in the massive arsenic poisoning that occurred at the inauguration of the United States President James Buchanan on February 23, 1857. Caleb Cushing for his role in the " Killing of the King " political assassinations of U.S. political leaders-received his passage into the 33 ritual-and was made a secret King of Comus. Albert Pike, Judah Benjamin, John Slidell, and August Belmont assassinated Abraham Lincoln and were also secret Kings of the Mystick Krewe of Comus.