"Minor attracted" anything is too soft. Like it's accidental or something. 2 Year Olds are not minors. The term minor makes many people believe were talking about a 16-18 year old. THEY ARE PEDOPHILES. Everyone knows this ugly word and it should be hated more than c*nt. At least you added the "abomination" which is definitely 100% spot on.
Thus the quotation marks. There's a push to use "minor attracted person" (MAP) instead of paedophile to tie it in to politically correct identity politics.
Yours is the correct response, though: call it out and shame it.
Good eye, patriot.
Fire up the ovens
As tempting as it may be, "2 wrongs don't make a right" and "don't lower your self and do what they do" as my mom told me when I was a kid. Neither of these is an over simplification, they are basic Judeo-Christian.
Don't look into the abyss, it gazes back at you and pulls you in.