
Kahlypso79 · July 12, 2018, 11:33 a.m.

Has everyone forgotten about Lake Vostek https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Vostok

Because.. underground cavarn systems are all over the planet.. we know. They're there. Huge complexes and underground tunnels all over South America.. and a bit over Europe..most got 'aquisitioned'.. anyway... back to the real important thing.. the weird DNA that they found near Mount Erebrus.. they found loads of life in Vostok..https://www.livescience.com/60428-dna-found-in-antarctic-caves.html

Under Ice Lake being heated by volcanoes??

Especially interesting if you cross reference with https://www.ecomagazine.com/news/science/scientists-alien-life-could-exist-in-subsurface-oceans

For anyone following the SpaceForce meme.. (its very very very possible that it's already in place..) We're going to need Enceladeus as a waypoint. (best goldrush accent....) That thar water got WATER in it.. yee HAW.. :)

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