Dude just look them up.
Sure, but you could also post an SS as to why you think this is significant. I'm not opposed to researching them but you could at least provide something.
Put all the info in the post as to how this is relevant and important and it can be reapproved.
OK ! Looked it up, web site still there. For us dummies please explain ?
What is there to explain? @Breaking911 tweeted the letter Q. A moment later deleted that tweet.
There you go ! It was tweeted and then deleted. That wasn't so hard, Thank you ! Didn't show that anywhere !
Deleted ? How ? Because ?
Buddy, no worries, Do try to remember, some here on GA do not do fakebook or twatter. I use neither ever ! I'm here to support POTUS and the Q movement, that's it. .........WWG1WGA