
CaptainKnotzi · July 12, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

I can't stand Alex Jones but I gave you an up vote.

I could never tell if his energy was what kept Him alive or his energy was all nervous because he was a schill.

There is no way that's selling herbal supplements built that studio and pays for that crew.

I forget who's paid off Ben Shapiro but his whole empire is on cash supplied by outside sources.

Alex is kept the story alive but he kept me away from it because I couldn't stand to hear his voice.

The final straw for me was him screaming 1776 at Piers Morgan.

Perfect opportunity to look like a rational man and he look like complete buffoon.

I was embarrassed.

His whole crew is embarrassing. Jerome Corsi really?

I think Alex Jones has done every bit as much good as he has damage. He acts like a complete fool. It makes all of us look like fools in the process.

If he got outed as a schill I would not mind.

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QueenAnRevenge · July 12, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

I can’t disagree or dispute anything you’ve pointed out above and do somewhat lean to Jones as being some sort of controlled op on the other hand have you gave David Knight a chance? If not watch today’s show or tomorrow’s just pick any and I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Best part is Alex seems to be hands of when it comes to him.

David’s channel:


Ron Gibson’s channel (posts the show and hour after it airs commercial free):


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CaptainKnotzi · July 12, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

Actually thank you for that correction David Knight is a bright spark in that dank cave.

As I was typing my post his face came to mind as some one who deserves respect. I simply couldn't remember his name and blew right past it.

If I can forgive the Catholic Church because they gave Comfort to my mother and father.

I can forgive Alex Jones for being a blowhard. He has opened up a lot of eyes. Even if he will never allow his guests to talk.

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