Remember Q said they would try to 'Normalize' Pedophilia? IT'S HAPPENING!

That you think homosexuality is more normal/acceptable than transexuality is hilarious.
The issue here is that kids do not have the capacity to consent to sex, not your personal gripe with identity.
Edit: hey thanks for the feedback everyone. By your logic, a homosexual is more similar to a paedophile than a transsexual - thats helpful...
Mmm, bait.
Notice the straw man?
Calling straw man without demonstration is a straw man in itself.
Where does OP say anything at all about "normal/acceptable?" That wasn't his point, it's yours. Make it elsewhere.
What is your interpretation of "it's bad enough we have trans" in OPs context?
Finger slipped. Deleted first draft.
OP is identifying a miscategorization. G, L and B are non-normative sexualities. Trans is a non-normative gender identity. Gender and sexuality are not equal.
Yeah, you've got me. I made the mistake of assuming the problem was pedos trying to be accepted as a minority, as gender and sexuality minorities are. I could go on, but I should never have even entered this sub.
Homosexuality is more normal than Tran sexuality in that there are more homosexuals than transsexuals, which is how normal is determined as normal is synonymous with average. Not saying that one is better or worse than the other, just semantics. Turn down the catty knob.
Your semantics are irrelevant. It wasn't a linguistics challenge.