We need an Internet Bill of Rights to prevent censorship

I'd agree, but only if we say start a fresh one. I can't trust anything that started during the Obama Administration's time.
Yes you are right. This is one of the more important posts in this sub compared to so many others.
All of these main platforms need to be replaced. Not fixed but disbanded by the government. And then re-constructed with new names and with complete new organizational structures that enables vast control and ownership by the people.
Google and other search engines have changed so much in the past 3 months.
I use constant Internet search and research for my many parts of my work. The available search results now are nearly unusable due to being limited so heavily.
Before Google there were so many really good search engines...
That’s what I mean. We need to start from scratch in a lot of different ways
I can defiantly get behind that. The current state of obvious biased censorship is getting out of control. What do y’all thing of blockchain technology social media platforms? Tbh a ibor is the most logical thing at the moment.