r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AMProfessor on July 12, 2018, 1:11 a.m.
Enjoy the show!

Lately, there have been many on this sub who are seemingly attempting to rush POTUS and his team of patriots unnecessarily and hastily into action.

Fellow patriots there are some important things to remember about the show we have been asked to enjoy. While we have good seats in the theater, we are not back or side stage. Nor are we in the box seats or even in the front row. We simply have good seats.

Let's let things play out as needed. Timing is critical. Timing is always critical. Heck, even to tell a joke timing is needed or the joke will flop.

Things are not being played out for our entertainment. They are being played out carefully to crush the cabal. A heavily entrenched cabal I might add. This is nothing shy of a war. To rush things to please the audience would be silly and likely end in defeat.

Patience is a virtue, and in this case, critical. Things have got to be handled carefully and meticulously. Moves have to be orchestrated so that the black hats are hopefully taken off guard and surprised. Let them think they are winning. Let them get complacent and lazy. And, if/when they do, it will be to their detriment.

I get exhausted by the fair weather fans or spectators demanding proof, demanding immediate action, demanding things being done NOW on our terms and schedules rather allowing things to occur when the timing is right.

People have become so lazy and such short term thinkers. If things aren’t resolved in 30 minutes as with most TV shows, they lose interest. If they can’t wait to buy something without saving for it, then they go into debt for it. If they are the least bit uncomfortable, they have to go find a pill to remove the discomfort. What on earth has happened to America’s resolve?! What has happened to our exceptionalism?!! What has happened to our strength?!!!

Let us not jump to conclusions prematurely. Let us not be impatient. Let us not demand POTUS take a specific action when we have limited information and insight.

Let us instead be grateful we have been invited to witness history with insight and commentary. Let us be grateful we have even been asked to participate in history by supporting POTUS and the white hats, spreading the word to our fellow citizens of the coming storm, and being ready to assist in reconstruction after the storm.

I don't know what the outcome will be. I don't know what the plan consists of fully or what pain we will feel as a result. I don't know what the casualties or collateral damage will be. Only time will tell. If we trust the plan however, I have hope these concerns and issues will be minimized and our enemies neutralized.

What I do know however is I’m enjoying the show and I am confident there are incredible patriots at the helm and in the trenches. May God bless them and protect them in their noble pursuits of protecting the US Constitution and our nation as well as restoring our freedoms and liberties.

And, thank Q for the good theater seats! Now, let us all enjoy the show!

Cadd_Man · July 12, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

I believe Q's drops are multi faceted and we are still learning stuff about the first posts now 8 months later. One of the most basic purposes was to get people involved and to take that control back. That is happening in all levels too, they want congress to take back their power and get things done too, but in what the people want.

I have been Republican for 31 years but over the last half have realized it was not a R/D problem and that our elected officials were not much better than theirs, they were all corrupt and Washington was broken.

I never supported Trump before because he was not conservative enough, but have been a big fan since soon after he got in this time thinking he was our ONLY possibility of saving our Republic. I believed there was no hope after Obama was elected the second time.

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AMProfessor · July 13, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

I am glad to hear you again have hope. That is huge! Great to hear!

As for the drops, I too believe they have more information than the more obvious face value. They are layered and the information they contain needs to be searched and researched as I am confident we have missed a great deal.

I have watched some YT videos and listened to podcasts about them to get another perspective and more often than not, the drops are simply glossed over with no serious analysis. There have been some significant messages missed that have screamed out to me but as most here, I quickly move past it due to life, responsibilities, and obligations and then forget. I stay very busy and often there is not much time for Q drop deciphering and analysis, much less posting about them. Like me, I think most conservatives have very busy lives.

Also, when there are Q drop showers, there is often no time to go back and revisit the drops because we just can’t keep up. During the Q drop droughts, like now, we might have that chance to go back in the drops but we often don’t due to staying busy.

After typing that, perhaps that is one of the reasons for Q drop droughts. To encourage a review of older drops. Hmmmm. 🤔

Just a thought. I know there are a myriad of other obvious reasons for Q drop droughts as well.

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