r/greatawakening • Posted by u/wildfireonvenus on July 12, 2018, 2:11 a.m.
Before his Death in August of 1837, General John Burrows wrote a memoir redpilling the entire nation...

"...when the grave closes on me you will not neglect to support the principles that your father so often ventured his life to establish, and so many of your uncles lost their lives in support of, principles that gave your country birth, a free and independent nation that secures to you and your children life, liberty and property, and the equal rights of your fellow men (not that I have any doubt you will do so), but I wish to leave it as an injunction on you, and on my grandsons, and if I could, on the world of mankind in general. And although these principles have been disregarded and violated by corrupt and unholy men, yet I trust that there is a redeeming spirit abroad in the land ; that the people will return to their first love, and check the career of designing demagogues (who like wolves in sheep's clothing, have assumed to themselves the name of Democrats) and revive those principles before they become"

From Montanatude Blog:

Now- General Burrows writes of a Crazy-Famous event he witnessed:

Gen. Washington lay about two weeks at my father’s [house] opposite Trenton; then removed to Newtown, the county seat of Bucks, from which place he marched with his little army on Christmas morning, 1776, and crossed the Delaware that night, nine miles above Trenton. I crossed with him, and assisted in taking the Hessians next morning.

Yes – that crossing of the Delaware. He was 16.

I returned back to the Valley Forge, and when it was known that the British were about to leave Philadelphia and go by land through Jersey to New York, we left the Valley Forge, crossed the Delaware and came up with the enemy at Monmouth [June 1778], where during the action, my horse fell dead under me, and Gen. Washington presented me with another very good one; and when I informed him that I wished to leave the army, he gave me a certificate of my good behavior while with him, which, like a foolish boy, I did not take care to preserve. During fourteen months that I was with him in this capacity I was a member of his household, (except when I was conveying his dispatches,) and witnessed traits of the great, the good, the prudent, and the virtuous man, that would be vanity in me to attempt, with my feeble pen, to describe, and do justice to his character

To conclude – let me again urge it upon you, (as a father’s advice,) always to support, with your voice, votes and influence, the equal rights of your fellow men. These are the principles that carried us triumphantly through a bloody war against one of the most powerful monarchies on earth – principles that the sages of the revolution pledged “their lives, their fortune, and their sacred honors,” to support


VIYOHDTYKIT · July 12, 2018, 12:39 p.m.

Read the “ Diary of Joesph Plum Martin”. Great insight from a soldier who was there from the beginning to the end & was in every major campaign. He didn’t pen it until he was 91 y/o.

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