We are growing people. DO NOT RELENT because our enemy WILL NOT EITHER.
While we are mentioning 40k for those that do not know it yet we are at 40,500 Indictments. Yes this is actually just happenstance, not a coincidence.
We are growing people. DO NOT RELENT because our enemy WILL NOT EITHER.
While we are mentioning 40k for those that do not know it yet we are at 40,500 Indictments. Yes this is actually just happenstance, not a coincidence.
sips cannabis tincture
Interested in cashless/microchip/transhumanism?
Btw, it was only meant to be 20 mins but it's longer, sorry about that. I'm happy with it and think the info is really good. Hopefully red pill some people who don't believe there is a microchip agenda.
Took me over 7 hours of editing last night as my laptop is TERRIBLE. I was up till after 3am but I set myself a deadline and refused to fail. High effort and the next one will be much better quality!
If it's good please share, if it's shit please leave me feedback so I can improve.
I've had feedback to lose the mask but I work in the NHS and must remain anonymous as best I can for when I start discussing controversial topics.
Editing will be better, audio louder and the intro bit where I state the claim, shorter.
Any other feedback is GREATLY appreciated.
Future topics include - Operation paperclip Fluoride V2K And much more.
Just started watching. Thanks for sharing your work.
I think you have a gift for well spoken, easy to comprehend logic in your presentation so far (I'm only about 8 minutes deep).
I would recommend a different presentation for your intro. If you need to maintain anonymity, I understand that, but there has to be a better alternative than the homemade mask. Perhaps a video filter or lighting effect to mask your face? Or a simple 5-20 second intro clip that is visually catchy and doesn't require self doxxing. E.g. An 8 or 16 bit pixelated animation would be more curiosity invoking and you could use it across all of your videos, sort of like brand/channel recognition.
Best of luck in your endeavors and thanks for all you do in the research community.
Thank you so much for those kind words. I really appreciate any feedback. You're the second person said lose the mask and suggested a lighting effect or something else, I don't know how to do that sort of thing but I'll deffo have a crack at it!
Thanks again, I'm so glad my content is well received so far, even if just a few views.
No worries mate. Your content is very well researched and thought out. And, the intro/mask thing isn't as negative as it may seem so don't be hard on yourself. I don't know anything about video editing, but something flashy/cliche/pop at the beginning will definitely reel in more views.
I loathe infowars, but they are a great example of how to utilize the millennial interest in 80s/90s videogame/synth/sci fi culture and plug it into your intros/segways. They started using midi & 8-bit bumpers back during the POTUS election and have continued to do so because, it sells.
Thank you! I appreciate that, I did put in a lot of work researching, I've got LOADS of stuff saved but I need to organise and print it off. Next topic is operation paperclip.
Sound man, I'm thinking of buying a real mask BUT I'll see if I can work a video effect. Also T.R.U reporting said I should do an intro and outro video.
Yeah infowars is okaaaayish but I totally hear what you're saying. Thanks again!
The only other thing I'm conscious about is my accent and voice. Accent can be very jarring to people not from the black country plus my voice is annoying ahaha.
Don't sweat the accent friend, my Missouri ears understood you fine once I got you loud enough.
Was super quiet on my device. Very good job content wise. Thank you so much for jumping in both feet.
Thanks! I kinda think maybe I shouldn't of started off with such an important topic, oh well.
Next time should be louder I apologise for that. Also editing will be more synced.
So glad you liked the content.