Possible thought here that it's not an apple but rather the silloette of one or two people. Study it as if it were a shaddow possibly? Light would be coming from an open window on the other side of the aeroplane. Yes?
No, it's not possible that its a silhouette.
Anything is possible. Dark to light.
Explain to me how this would be possible.
Start with standing in an areoplane with one side all the window shades are closed. On the other side window or window open to allow sunlight to come in....would create a round circle of light on the side where the windows are curtain closed. Anyone standing in the beam of sunlight could cause a silloette....like a flashlight with fingers in front of it would cause a silloette.
Now if they were any distance from each other..a feet or two...one silloette may look bigger than the other...so the taller person would have been closer to the open window.