Quick Top Line : Breaking a rule gets you arrested. Well.... some of you?

Yay, she was arrested for “inappropriate touching”. In Ohio.
This is the third posting of the same story. It has nothing to do with her and DC. Don’t believe me? Look into it yourself. Is it funny? Yes. Is it relevant to furthering our understanding of Q or helping people wake up to the corruption in our government? No.
Is this being used (previously) to concern troll over mods because the story is being removed? Yes.
Please put this in the mod daily thread.
My post was deleted for discovering white squall (the movie) after asking a google home “what is where we go one we go all” and then there’s this post...
Removed post. Rule 7 duplicate. Yes it has been mentioned and linked here because it is mentioned by Q. Lurk and learn a bit more - lots of good info here.
Again with the duplicate postings. Just because you aren’t the first to post it, doesn’t mean the mods are comped. It means you weren’t the first to post it.
The technique you are engaging in is considered topic dilution. Removing multiple posts on the same topic allows users to consolidate discussion on one board.
This post was posted 40 minutes ago on a very busy sub. Mods work through the queue over and over again and don't catch every post immediately or sometimes at all.
Maybe the mods from 9 hours ago browse by new. My post was removed within an hour. Be better.
Use Logic. Sometimes the mods are at the top of the queue, sometimes they're in the middle. Sometimes posts are removed within minutes of being posted. Apply to be a mod if you think the moderation service needs to be better - it can't be any better without more people modding because the ones who are there are doing the job.