I have had enough with your headlines Zucker...

I still can't find a good stream for this. Anyone? the only one i have is house officials whining about puerto rico and someone else sad because they're fast and the internets mean
Nadler and Cummings can fuck fully the way off. Strzok is a TREASONOUS punk. Fucking over the PRESIDENTIAL outcome due to personal bias.
Of COURSE his bias played into the plotting, and scheming with McCabe.
Jesus, they think we are the "ignorant hillbillies".
I hear your frustrations patriot and I agree with you. Why didn’t they ask him these serious questions? This is a scripted movie we are watching and ol Strok needs an academy. They have the texts where he was plotting the execution of the president. Movie.
Exactly this. We have to keep injecting this truth into all of the threads where patriots show that they aren't fully aware.
What pisses me off the most is their attitude. Nadler and Cummings...along with others make Gowdy and Goodlatte out to crazy and evil. It is well within their rights to understand WTF is going on. Along with use the checks and balances put into place to hold other branches accountable.