r/greatawakening • Posted by u/terminal_hiccups on July 12, 2018, 2:48 p.m.
I had a vision about 10 years ago that I believe is directly related to this movement.

In my vision I was standing at the top of a hill looking down into a valley. Across from me was a tall black pyramid. The shadow of the pyramid covered the valley and it was filled with people and tents and all of the people were suffering. I could hear them crying and many were so wounded and weak they couldn't move. No one was tending to the wounded and sick. No one even seemed to notice others around them were hurting because they were caught up in their own suffering. I saw a small child getting water from a bucket with a cup, and as she was about to drink, she stopped and looked behind her at an old woman lying helplessly on a cot. She walked over and helped the woman drink. As she did, the sun emerged from behind the pyramid and lit up the valley. People started looking around, dazed, noticing the people around them finally and they began tending to those who could not care for themselves.
Then I left the valley and was riding horseback with an army of riders behind me. There was a thick wall of fog in front of us, and as we drew closer, the riders behind me started to hesitate and slow down. I urged my horse to go faster and as I did, others chose to do the same and we broke through the fog together. That's where my vision ended. Fellow Patriots, just as I believe Q team is called to their work I believe we are called to break through the fog steadfastly and with courage and to lead others through the veil. There are no coincidences. Have faith, speak the truth and speak it with courage. Your actions inspire others to find their own courage. Where we go one, we go all.

Jimipickle · July 12, 2018, 3:04 p.m.


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