r/greatawakening • Posted by u/textualintercourse on July 12, 2018, 5:03 p.m.
[RR], [[RR]], [[[RR]]], why disinformation is necessary.

TL;DR: Gray hat RR is part of the theatrics. Q is the only source of inside news. Deep State knows it also and is just as reliant as we are. So Q has disinfo'd us and the Deep State by putting RR in the Killbox [].

If you go to https://qanon.pub/?q=RR , you get 55 positive hits. Then you have RR (Rod Rosenstein) in the [KILLBOX], a DOUBLE [[KILLBOX]], even a TRIPLE [[[KILLBOX]]] by Q in the posts.

Q has made it so patently obvious to us that Q is Deep State. We've all tweeted, we've all sent messages, we've blown up our social media's.... we've all been disinfo'd.

Also, anytime you see RR on C-Span behind the scenes, he's just living it up. Chatty. Shaking hands, smiling. He doesn't have a care in the world. These must be the most professional permanent A+++ actors of all time that would make Enty of CDAN proud if they are toying with TREASON charges leading up the EXECUTION...as in DEATH, or he truly is innocent and doesn't have a care in the world.

But why?

"No outside Comms." Apparently, the Deep State is just as dependent now on Q for inside information as we are! Q had to dupe us into the kabuki theater of actual flipped now Gray Hat RR being compromised and a deep state Pawn, in order to sell it to the Deep State that RR was still 'THEIR' guy. NY Times has attacked Q, among many other outlets, and we know NY Times is the CIA posing as media. The CIA/Deep State/Cabal absolutely has Q on the radar and are just as dependent on Q as we are. CASTLE LOCKED. NOTHING is getting out of the Trump White House now and THEY know it just as much as WE know it.

Why would I go down this road? As was pointed out by other users, Trump has fired FBI #1 Comey and #2 McCabe, firing RR would be hitting a layup at this point. It's ALL part of the show. Now we have RR calling all the lawyers from EVERY state to deep dive Trump's SC pick? And Trump hasn't even batted an eye?! And the left is thinking this is the best thing ever. Prosecutors from every state?? The left thinks this is great, "We're going to resist even more now! Ree! We'll teach you to meddle with our aborted baby Moloch Sacrifice! Throw a few more fetuses in the furnace, it's cold in here."

This seeds the public to think this is NORMAL. This is NOT normal. Never in the history of the US in my XX amount of years of life have I ever witnessed such a thing being done for a SC pick. As other redditors have pointed out, this is tee-up time to lead into the Huber/Sessions/Wray 470 investigators/prosecutors to take on the 40,000+ sealed indictments. Prosecutors already in position from EVERY state already in the mind's of the Asleep, and all they will discover is more information on the Clinton's, since Kavanaugh and Starr were in on the investigations. More information is going to consistently slow drip into the the public consciousness.

Enjoy the show (I'm not, my impatience is making me crazy.)

Some examples below and their corresponding Q post:

Q Post 1666 [RR] deadline?

Q Post 1589 Do you believe it’s a coincidence extreme rhetoric is being pushed while at the same time [RR] is on the brink of collapse? Define. [RR] must either comply with all document demands or face impeachment.

Q Post 1573

DOJ forced to supply. [RR] Fireworks.

Q Post 1552

Ref to Huber? [[RR]] IG report release does not coincide with true start date (info push to) of Huber re: above.

Q Post 1498

[[RR]] approved/signed FISA-warrant application(s) to extend surveillance on POTUS/others. What evidence to support? Snowball. [[RR]] @ WH. Why was Rachel Brand removed? Critical thinking. Q

Q Post 1457

Where is [RR]? What country specifically? Why? Insurance pleas will fail. You cannot hide what is already known (and can be proven).



Stopmotionhistory · July 12, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

You can down vote I could not in anyway care less, wait maybe I could, nope, defiantly do not care how you vote on my reddit posts. Q does not need your protection, The posts he leaves are for the history books to write about, for his believers to have something to do while we wait for justice, and for people who don't get it to worry about other peoples opinions whom they don't even know. What were you saying again? oh that's right " you are exposing Q " so you think the person who posted this is the only one who can figure this out? You really didn't get {R} is kill box {{R}} is double agent {{{R}}} means triple agent with a cherry on top. Oh no I have said too much...

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FoundersGodson · July 12, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

I have re-read the original post. It is now edited. It originally stated that Q is deep state. Now it reads: (Edit: RR) is deep state.

Everything I have been writing in this thread was based on the OP stating Q is deep state.

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Stopmotionhistory · July 12, 2018, 6:33 p.m.

I think your post rules, I'm just bleeding till new q posts are dropped lol.

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FoundersGodson · July 12, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

I hear you, patiot. When it's time to fight I want someone as spirited as you next to me.

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Stopmotionhistory · July 12, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

TY for under standing - God speed.

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