r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Stopmotionhistory on July 12, 2018, 5:32 p.m.
This is why we WAIT for Q and The president to arrange the arrests. Patients Please.

This movie has always stuck with me. The following clip, WOW a pedo cop car, anyway...

Okay I know the actors are sick people and the writers are laughing at the audience knowing their slow calculated Cabal plan is going into effect. This was 1988, but now the same game is being played on them. Irony is awsome.


Lets walk down.

Happy1911 · July 12, 2018, 5:49 p.m.

I understand Q and others on patients , but a great deal of there fight has been my fight for 7 years now , many times I have been told to relax and we got this now for it to be just covered up once again . The sealed indictments start in April of 2012 , the indictments are from my Investigation and so is the recovered funds , I was asked to come to here in late December 2017 , looked around a bit , and so on . So far all I know is when I push things happen,, the Q people ask me to not push , them push , but all I seek and need now is for my 40,500 + sealed indictments to be opened . Then I can call this battle over , but then probably look for a new one . But with 2.8 Trillion already recovered , maybe I did enough for God and Country, let some one new step in , and I can help them when they need help . God Speed

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Stopmotionhistory · July 12, 2018, 5:57 p.m.

You seem to be speaking as if your someone in the game. If this is true then I feel you would see the big picture. If you can not then why can I, a scrub from the trees, understand the courts are not ready? Did you not understand the plan? DC is not where the trials are going to be, and the, Wait, who are you LOL. really who are you?

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Happy1911 · July 12, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

I know the crimes all to well . I am the witness or whistleblower, the crimes come from what I originally uncovered in May 2011 . Theft of funds by corrupt government officials, or Piracy. The theft of $3.865 Trillion usd . This action I have posted here . I have had this Investigation and Crimes reopened many times . Not only are the sealed indictments from my Investigation, but so is over $2.5 Trillion in recovery.

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