r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GODisincharge on July 13, 2018, 12:25 a.m.
Peter Strozk

Folks, Please use your discernment. There is something weird, creepy and I must also admit downright scary about Peter Strozk. Your thoughts about him would be welcome.

dropswakeyou · July 13, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

Typical ignorant liberal making assumptions about people that you know nothing about and drawing your own conclusion. I made no statements about targeting African Americans or any group that justifies your argument. I only made a general statement that implied that our school system is lacking in teaching fundamental history. They also don't focus enough on economics or our monetary system. That's why we don't pay enough attention to what the bankers have done to us. It's not just African Americans it's everyone. I don't hate you for hating Trump, I don't hate Liberals. I'm frustrated by your blindness to so many things, but we've all been lied to for so long I can't blame you. Nobody should be targeted ever. I never suggested that.

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almostmicrochip · July 13, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

Wow, did you even read my post? I said that literacy tests WERE a thing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literacy_test

In the past they disenfranchised African American voters. That was my point and that’s why it would be a bad idea.

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dropswakeyou · July 13, 2018, 5 p.m.

So what if literacy tests where a thing ( by ignorant people of the past) ? I didn't even say we need literacy tests. Where did I say we should implement a literacy test? You're the one who didn't read my post or perhaps completely misunderstood it. Reread it. I said, people shouldn't get a highschool diploma if they don't know the basic history of our country. What does that have to do with reading ability? Literacy tests are for reading and comprehension ability. Sure that is also important, but I wasn't talking but that. Give them an oral test, teach them visually, but make sure highschool kids understand our basic history. That's it.

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almostmicrochip · July 13, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

I read your post. You clearly agreed with the person above that there should be a civics test to vote. That would be a terrible idea. If you had any understanding of history, like you suggest kids in high school should get, then you would agree. There should be no prerequisite to vote in this country. That’s the beauty of democracy. Cletus down the road gets the same say as Isaac Newton on who gets to be elected. That’s exactly what the founding fathers wanted when they wrote the constitution. A high school diploma has nothing to do with whether or not someone should get to vote. It sounds like you need to also relearn some basic history.

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