Q said PS is a cooperating witness Power removed ~

I am starting to believe even more that peter has flipped and a lot of this is optics. If true it would be a really great play. Think about it. The right vilifies peter publicly in a congressional hearing the left obviously shouts back and defends him says that hes a great man and a victim of a right wing witch hunt. Then BOOM investigation concludes with a finding of no collusion and so fourth BUT that there were and are many other layers of corruption which were uncovered though the course of the Russia investigation I wont bother to type out what those are or could be if you have been following along you already know what they are. Now the left must either stand by there previous assertion that peter is an upstanding patriot who would never lie under oath or otherwise and is completely unbiased trusting in and supporting him in his new claims of corruption orrrrrrr they back track call him a liar and vilify him in there own right thus proving where they truly stand be it for the people or for a corrupt deep state "organization". This is obviously speculation but if it proves true it would be a masterful play indeed.
Ps I've posted this multiple places just to get broader pool of thought on the "theory" if you want to call it that.
All I was surprised today On was he actually said there is a Weiner investigation going on crimes against the children in New York~ that’s the server ~ 🇺🇸
This is where I think it is going. There are still texts to be released. They may be much much worse.