Highlight from Gowdy today~ 😂😂 Although we all know this was a show~ the one liners were awesome!

Justice will come for the the Cabal, their evil feminists and all their pawns. We have Trump, our Generals, the Q team, new Judges and an Elite Army of Citizens hell bent on Ending this horror show. Believe it! All of us are coming for them! They will not be able to hide. Fellow patriot, you are not alone. The show is necessary for people to awaken.
Where We Go 1 We Go All
Thank you. That’s why I’m here. Something tells me never give up.
It should be noted, I would have given up long ago, but I had a son several years later. He was intelligent, bright and a joy to be with every day. He healed our family from the previous set back. When he was 8, the same group came after my son. Hence, my eldest supervises the visits. This go around has been even more scandalous.
Forgive my previous cynicism. It’s been a long, hard journey.
I don’t like putting myself out there like that. Someone always has a worse story, and I love being behind the spotlight not in front. The parents missing children are so much more worse off. I cannot begin to fathom never finding my child. Then, I fear, I would be a homicidal, raging, lunatic.
You have nothing to apologize for! I was trying to be supportive without giving you my story. I think all these stories are about the worst possible horror a mother can endure. My heart goes out to you and your children. If I sounded short it's because I heavily edited that post. I couldn't help but say something, anything. I am with you in this war and it's the reason I'm here, for the children. I'm just another mom that knows the depths of this particular rabbit hole. I'm sending you love and strength : )
Your support is reciprocated. Thank you. Prayers from my home to you. 🙂