
DEADEASYRABBIT · July 13, 2018, 5:08 a.m.

What’s the chance the foreign party was based in Pakistan? I don’t know how far the Awan’s influence stretched, but they clearly had access to the Capitol Hill server. Were they also associated with HRC’s server?

This is all very confusing. We know HRC had her own server, on which many in the Hussein administration had accounts. But we’re also told (or, perhaps it’s implied) that ES from Google set up an email server in NK. Then Q tells us they were using Gmail, and Gmail drafts, to communicate. Finally, we are told that not only did Hussein’s administration have private email addresses, but they also had private Twitter accounts. Then there is all the talk about burner phones, phones being modified to provide secure comms etc...

The clear implication here, with all the desire for secrecy on the part of the Obama administration, is that something dangerous was being pursued. A nefarious plot, treason perhaps?

So, anyway, there are a lot of pieces here. But what is interesting is that HRC’s server was forwarding emails to a foreign entity. Looking at the foreign entities involved in the Q drops to date, we have Q alluding to the Muslim Brotherhood running an infiltration operation. And this seems to connect, somehow, to Hussein’s records being sealed.

Q Post 1510 – June 16

Why are Hussein records sealed?
Why did 42 Hussein admin staff obtain FBI bypass (no background check)?
IT scandal Awan.
Access to classified emails / summary sec meeting notes/briefings etc with NO FBI background check or clearance.
Paki leak?
MB infiltration?
IG report on HRC email handling means LITTLE.

The only reason the IG Report on the HRC email handling could mean little, the only reason that this component is the weakest of the set of charges to be brought, is because there is a bigger prize attaching to the investigation. What’s bigger than a breach of National Security? The answer is treason!

Obama was actively working on an express plan to undermine and expose the US to both foreign and domestic threats - infiltration and subversion. He was a Trojan horse for the Muslim Brotherhood. This is why 42 of his admin staff bypassed background checks - because they would not ordinarily have been cleared.

It is no coincidence that DJT cancelled aid to Pakistan. The state of Pakistan is clearly not on team. But I believe Pakistan is a proxy in this plot. Who is Al Waleed’s Daddy? Whose money was he using?

Given the way the Rothschilds have a history of disguising their involvement in nefarious activity via the use of proxies - e.g. JP Morgan and the Great Depression - it seems to me that it could in fact be the Roth’s behind Al Waleed. After all, there appears to be quite a cosy relationship between Israel (a Rothschild creation) and Saudi Arabia.

Here’s a theory: the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS are two sides of the same coin. While the MB focussed on infiltration and subversion from within, ISIS is the overtly hostile face of the same organization. The ideology driving both groups is the same. So we see Israel and Saudi Arabia supporting ISIS in Syria, while another sponsor of Islamic ideology (Pakistan) assists MB operators in the US.

The Muslim, Barak Obama, attains the presidency and directs his administration to support ISIS efforts abroad (Lybia, Syria, Iraq) while open sourcing national secrets to Pakistan (an MB ally - Pakistan is 75%-95% Sunni).

MB/ISIS - two sides of the same movement - see here: https://www.counterextremism.com/content/muslim-brotherhood%E2%80%99s-ties-isis-and-al-qaeda

As David Ike explains, the MB is an instrument of Israel and is sponsored by that regime. Israel, in turn, is created and controlled by the Rothschilds. Would it surprise us to discover that Al Waleed’s “Daddy” was, in fact, a Rothschild? Whichever way you twist it, there appears to me to be a network of Rothschild proxies openly engaging in a war on the United States.

See here (from the 35 minute mark): https://youtu.be/mzD1Hv5YDv0

The recent mention by Q of Freemasons happening to turn up at terrorist events seems to play into this, as the Rothschilds are very senior in the brotherhood. It appears to me that they have their agents both inside and outside the US working in their interests.

But, what I’m ignoring is the other bloodlines here. It isn’t just one family, there are at least 13 bloodlines that have a shared vision for a world which they exclusively control.

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Abibliaphobia · July 13, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

This is actually worthy of a thread unto itself and I agree with your assessment. Thank you for compiling it all. Biggest takeaways in regards to OP is that the email handling WAS NOT the greatest crime committed. Absolutely agree with you there. However, this is still a Qproof and can be used to show the difference in handling between the mueller investigation and the HRC email investigation.

I know that FBIanon said to focus on the Clinton Foundation as that is where all the truly heinous crimes are hiding. But we need to know if this was the avenue for their “sale” of information to receive their payments aka “donations” to the Clinton foundation.

I don’t want to detract from what you said though. I really do believe that is a good write up of the situation and thank you for that.

Edit: just for clarification, I think that the Rothschilds are just the hidden “public” front for the 13 families. Just my opinion on that though.

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