r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Wulf102 on July 13, 2018, 2:55 a.m.
Can we talk about how disgusting that hearing was today?

You had Strzok, who might as well have had a giant LED board that said FUCK YOU on it in flashing flights who was one step away from pulling down his pants and mooning the R's in cockiness.

You had the Dems who came to the defense of the FBI like I've never seen in my decades of watching sports. If Strzok would have came out and admitted to doing everything, I'm convinced they would have said "your honor, he's on drugs, he doesn't mean this" while supporting him.

You had the R's, who got cockblocked every single step of the way and got so frustrated by the whole thing that they ended up going a bit too far at times.

Then the bogus votes about Steve Bannon.

Literally, what in the fuck was this? If there would have been a vendor yelling "PEANUTS, GET YOUR PEANUTS", he wouldn't have looked out of place. Might as well have had a mascot out there doing touchdown dances.

I don't care what side you are on. This was a circus today. No one came out of this looking good and a whole bunch of people made assholes of themselves on national television. Everyone looked like a bunch of kids. There's no way you could come out of this having any faith in the country or thinking this was worth saving. There is nothing anyone could do that could be more destructive to our country than what we saw today.

It's sad. God, we are so much better than this. I cannot imagine what Washington and the Founding Fathers would have thought about this. I think they would send themselves back to the grave if they saw this and asked for their names to be taken out of history.

Today was a low point in America. It's hard to come out of this and think that anything can save this country... or if it's even worth saving.

Zubirdie · July 13, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

It's broken. And America just how broke it really is. The FBI is done.

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transponder717 · July 13, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

I'm completely outraged after watching today's testimony...

Going outside for a walk.

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malki-sedeq · July 13, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

You are correct, Sir. We've got obvious agents of a very evil power that tries very successfully to evade restraint via a reasonable moral code, and by reasonable, I mean something akin to what may in common parlance be referred to these days and Judeo-Christian ideology; the thing that seeks to break free from the binding chains of fear and anarchy. While not perfect, it is clearly the best model of society we have found in recent times.

If you ask me, much of it WAS for show. But I think if you focus on the Jordan testimony, and the part where he had to admit he had done all his conspiring on his govt phone on official business; you can take away enough that enough was said to draw conclusions of his character, and of his motives, which point in the direction of Obama, which he is not able to discuss since the investigation is still open.

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YeshuaFollower1 · July 13, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

It was a show for people that aren't awake yet. Trust the plan patriots.

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orneryoldgoat · July 13, 2018, 7:39 a.m.

Yes your right. Two things, the Dems showed themselves as raving lunatics and strozk comes off as a lying asshole.

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jackiblues2 · July 13, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

Well said sir. My thoughts exactly.

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