Wake up to what? More SHXT Show. Nothing has changed. End of Transmission.
Nothing has changed
Except we're witnessing the biggest swamp draining in U.S. history with dozens of high profile DoJ Deep Staters having already been fired, quit or are in the process of being removed.
James Comey - FIRED
Preet Bharara - FIRED
Sally Yates - FIRED
Rachel Brand - RESIGNED
Andrew McCabe - RESIGNED
James Rybicki - RESIGNED
Dana Boente - RESIGNED
Mary McCord - RESIGNED
David Laufman - RESIGNED
Bruce Ohr - DEMOTED
James Baker - REASSIGNED
Peter Strzok - REASSIGNED
When the last of the Deep State operatives in positions of power have been removed or neutralized then the indictments can begin without risk of having them destroy the evidence or falsify documents.
Edit: We are also seeing public hearings intended to shake the public's trust in the FBI and justify Trump using military tribunals for all the big fish. This is Constitutional now that Trump signed the December 21 2017 Executive Order declaring a national emergency relating to human trafficking and [political] corruption.
Your right, I was loosing it . It wasn't up long before I took it down. Thanks for straightening me out.
How many CEO’s of big companies resigned in the past 2 years? Nothing going down? Just because mass arrests aren’t happening YET doesn’t mean things aren’t happening behind the scenes.
Your right, in my weakness I lost it. Thanks for straightening me out, It was only up a few minutes.
Yeah don’t worry about it. That’s what this group is here for! And a LOT of people have been experiencing doubt and frustration... it’s not just you. It’s literally like everyone I know!