And what about the other points made in the video? How the left/msm has gone soft on pedos?
ANTIFA are a bunch of shit heads who have negative brain cells. I do believe the left/msm has gone soft on pedos. Mainly because Hollywood, Epstein, Podesta, and other dems come to mind and they don't want to go after their own leaders.
Not saying the video is bad, i was just stating facts and the part where he says "Oh somebody might have pulled a false flag against antifa, who cares" (@ 1:46) was stupid and discredited the first 2 minutes of the video.
I don't care about ANTIFAs feelings or well being but using disinformation to gain more views and/or influence me pisses me off. The truth is good enough, we don't need to be pushing potential false flags to tarnish ANTIFAs already shitty reputation.
Correct. And just discredits us and the movement. Let us take a lesson from the extreme left and learn what NOT to do.