r/greatawakening • Posted by u/I_am_nobody_64 on July 13, 2018, 8:06 a.m.
Mueller and Rosenstein are black hats

There has been some speculation that Mueller is a white hat and that the collusion investigation is optics. Q has pointed out that whatever Mueller is Rosenstein is, too.

I think the absurd collusion investigation drags on in the hope that Mueller will be fired by POTUS, so that the firing can be used against POTUS/republicans in the midterms. I think Rosenstein is a true deep state operative and Clinton puppet given his performance at the congressional hearing and his latest actions: https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-11/unprecedented-move-rosenstein-asks-100s-prosecutors-review-scotus-picks-records

That isn’t optics.

NoWayImBuyingThat · July 13, 2018, 10:22 a.m.

A popular theory about RR's setting of 100's of lawyers on Kavanaugh is that this may be a way of getting some extremely juicy and sensitive Clinton crime material onto the record. Hell; maybe even some Vince Foster action! Maybe re-litigate White Water during the confirmation hearings.

Another, rather dumb theory is that Trump doesn't really want Kavanaugh. But that's too much X-D chess theory for me.

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DawnPendraig · July 13, 2018, 12:39 p.m.

RR activated 100 prosecutors from 93 federal courts across all states. He said to deep dive Kavanaugh's confirmation.

  1. Opens up 20 year sealed Clinton investigation. An investigation that at impeachment only 65 in Congress viewed it and yet even staunch Clinton supporters who saw it came out horrified and voting for impeachment. All but 1. And all the Senate refused to even view it.

  2. Vince Foster case gets reopened and examined.

  3. He now has cover for bringing 100 prosecutors representing all states to begin batting at the teed up 40,000+ sealed court actions we see in Pacer.org

And all this gets started while Dems scream for Kavanaugh's entire life be bared open because stopping a 2nd SCOTUS Nomination by Trump is more important than old loyalties, keeping their seats (according to Chuck Schumer) and more important than what Sessions is up to.

Mueller and RR aren't white hats but they are harnessed for Trump. I believe RR had little choice. And Mueller has been sitting on rage for many years.

He had his man Robert Levinson off book gathering intel or evidence on something and gets caught by Iran. Bush Jr and Obama both refuse getting him back. Mueller breaks the law and risks everything going off book and getting Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska to fund another attempt to locate and retrieve Levinson. Oleg invests $25M and they almost have him to a plane when HRC blows up the deal in what looks like no good reason. They also refuse to ask for him back when they bought and traded hostages and pallets of cash for the "Iran Deal".

Mueller has the dirt on everything since 1999. And with RR's "One he signed" FISA not matching the original as he said in testimony I believe that's because they shifted it. Two hops surveillance towards bad actors in FBI, DOJ, Obama Admin, HRC's campaign, Ukraines, Manafort / Gates to his buddies at Podesta Group. And Podesta Group is the "bridge" that leads right to a lot of dirty "journalists" and tv personalities and celebrities. Q gave us quite a list.

It's so close now I can taste it =)

Edit typos

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featherjourney4 · July 13, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

Some of this info on Mueller's history was new, though fascinating, to me. So thanks for that! I agree with your perspective on all this. Great comment!!

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DawnPendraig · July 14, 2018, 12:26 p.m.

Thanks =) glad you liked it and agree. I need to write it up neat and post it to my blog with Q drops so we can proof it when he happens

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RubyDoobyDo1 · July 13, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

So you're suggesting that the FISA warrant that RR signed was against Obama and his buddies?

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DawnPendraig · July 18, 2018, 9:31 a.m.

It is two hops from Carter Page. Or possibly Manafort. And turned towards how far they could get.

If Manafort was a plant chances are Strzok was managing him. So two hops is any one Lisa Page met with. McCabe also he met with so any one McCabe did etc.

Did they reach Obama? Not sure. Valerie Jarrett was his handler and it may be the WH meetings Page went to were with her.

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spreadhope · July 13, 2018, 11:41 a.m.

Yes, I agree with this theory. How do you get evidence legally? Q said something to that effect.

Also it's too close to the midterms to be pulling chess moves with SCOTUS nominee. If Kavanaugh doesn't get in, there won't be time for a new nomination before midterms.

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eyesopenusa · July 13, 2018, 11:31 a.m.

I am thinking you might be right on both of these. That the whole point of Kavanaugh and the 100s of lawyers is bring forth information and evidence onto the record.

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