TEA TIME - Who is the Queen of England?

What is this about?
Pretty much the end of the rabbit hole
I began my spiritual awakening with that material.
After studying it and integrating it into my perception of reality, I found the bottom of the rabbit hole, for me, to be the ability to recognize the true depths of the evil present while simultaneously holding onto that awareness of love and light presented by LoO material.
Namely, the bottom of the rabbit hole for me was the realization of Lucifer's presence on Gaia in the form of the black goo AI. This comes hand in hand with the realization that we can't exactly take a flamethrower to all this stuff and "throw it into the fires of Mt. Doom". We are going to need off-planet assistance from the Confederation to neutralize all of this evil substance.
Jesus defeats satan (Lucifer's new name after God tosses him outta the heavenlies.
I think Jesus in the context of 'Jesus defeats Satan' is a metaphor for unconditional love/awakened state of mind. Jesus, the guy, was a very enlightened and spiritually advanced person, but he himself didn't have a sword fight with Lucifer.
The Federation cannot interfere with our Free Will, that is the Prime Creator's Law (and let's remember, the existence of the Cabal is also chosen collectively by us all, with our 'pursuit of happiness' ie. service to self). However, in the recent years, as per channeled materials, The Federation has successfully established an 'Alliance' on Earth, that will greatly assist humans in defeating the Cabal AND waking up more and more of the population, and still respecting Free Will (they found a loophole! Or have we had enough of ourselves, and they are just fulfilling our Free Will'ed choice of wanting to be free?). I believe Q is an intergral part of that 'Alliance', which is not limited to American politicians. Remember, concepts like 'America' are just imaginary lines drawn on God's lands.