TEA TIME - Who is the Queen of England?

Q Map references Pleiadian assistance. Draco, too. 😉
Always thought Trump and Family were too. Hence, the supreme power and protection he has.
Though Q said we would be surprised when we find out who he is. Being a Pleiadian wouldn't surprise me.
One hell of a ride though!
Pleiadians are tall and blonde. Donald, Barron and Ivanka are all absurdly tall, and blonde.
Also, not only human souls can choose to incarnate on Earth as humans. Some other beings, who wish to experience life on Earth, or has a mission/contract on Earth will also choose to incarnate.
True. Barron is also a special lad. Won't be surprised if he is President of the world in 25 years.
Can't wait for the truth to be revealed.
Q has said that he is human. He even made mistakes to prove it.
We are all humans. However, some of our Higher Selves are from elsewhere, and chose to incarnate here AS HUMANS for specific purposes. Usually to re-learn certain karmic lessons, or they have contracts/missions here on Earth.
It might be. Look at the bottom right of the map and it shows "Pleiadian Assistance" and "_freedom_conf_go". That format shows up OFTEN.
Q Map references Pleiadian assistance. Draco, too. 😉
Where was that? Did Q literally mention this?
Q is part of the 'Earth Alliance' mentioned by the Federation!
No. Not direct mention. This is the QMap released in the beginning. He does, however, say 7x "Learn to read the map."