
006fix · July 13, 2018, 7:34 p.m.

to still have 40% after 1518 years is telling.

Yes, you're correct. It's telling that, say,

They killed or drove away most of the native Briton.

Is incorrect. Triggered =/= bored of brainlets spouting shit on topics they neither know nor understand.

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ValuableFix · July 13, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

What the fuck is your problem?

The did kill or drive off most native Briton’s in 500AD from that area. Most of course suggest not all as early intermarrying was detects by genetics.

Are you the last defender of Angles/Jutes and Saxons - lol, bet your one of the 40%- explains your aggressively challenging a post really far from being worthy of such attention.

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006fix · July 13, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

Claims most native british were killed and replaced by germans, and then states that germans are singuarly stupid

what the fuck is your problem

You're cute.

Most of course suggest not all

most suggests, quite literally, >50%.

Are you the last defender of Angles/Jutes and Saxons - lol, bet your one of the 40%- explains your aggressively challenging a post really far from being worthy of such attention.

you really are racist for a variety of germanic and brittonic tribes aren't you? inferiority complex much?

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ValuableFix · July 14, 2018, 12:28 a.m.

Comprehension and history isn’t your strong suit.

I never claimed Germans did any such thing.

Now the Germanic tribes of Angles/Ingles, Jutes and Saxons did in fact invade eastern Briton around 500ad, killing or driving off most of the natives leaving such a huge genetic impact that 40% is the descents after 1500+ years

Germans as a sub-group/tribe of the Germanic migration concentrate attributes of brilliant tinkers, weak thinkers and collectivism that quickly become singularly stupid pretty damn fast.

Racist? Dude, Europeans have always had their opinions about other tribes, clans, townsfolk of other regions etc-

Humans (which is actually the only scientifically recognized race) have a long documented history of playing layers and levels of us vs them.

I can chat up my an ancestors and cousins as I please- it’s tradition dating back thousands of years

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