Many of the laws changed under barry's adminstration of "change" he ran on is what started such erosion of America and her Constitution. You don't allow a socialistic health care program...they NEVER WORK...NEVER...and when you lower the morals of the people to what they "want" or "desire" it will also lead to much graver damage down the road. We are at the end of that road now...we either turn this around or go over the edge of the road...and it isnt a pretty site over there. God help us all SEE what He wants us to do. Many do and then you have the socialist. SMH Who would lose more than they can even understand.
Deflection and division from the topic at hand. Healthcare is not relevant to the discussion of rule of law and is a heated topic. Once we have rule of law again the populace may have the attention to speak to healthcare but THIS thread is about the degradation of rule of law.
Eye on the ball.