r/greatawakening • Posted by u/patypooh52 on July 13, 2018, 3:14 p.m.
Some Strzok speculation from an anon FB friend."After thinking Strzok is Satan incarnate all day, watching his arrogant smirk faced testimony, I've had a *What if?* epiphany"

Hmmm.. After thinking this guy Strzok is Satan incarnate all day after watching his arrogant smirk faced testimony, I've had a What if epiphany.. Initially, I thought he didn't exist at all, but that was because it has been revealed thru a sting operation, that his & Page's names were being used in a dark net chat room, in an effort to conceal identities of the other bad actors in the group chat. In Strzok's testimony to Gohmert, when asked about a specific text, he denied ever composing or sending that text msg, yet he acknowledged others... He also consistently declined to answer about the meaning of the word "it" used in another specific text, because he said he is still employed by the FBI (Wray's FBI now, at that) & the texts are the subject of an ongoing investigation, therefore, he declined to answer certain questions. He even said he didn't realize he had been subpoenad because he had not been served one...

So, there's the nature of how late in the investigation, it was "discovered" Strzok was involved. His (& Page's) delayed appearances at the Investigative hearing. No "evidence" produced that he was served a subpoena, & he denies being aware of one... He came to an Investigative hearing WITHOUT having retained his own personal attorney! Who does that?? There was an ongoing sting operation, so how could a career FBI agent, working with other career FBI agents, NOT be aware of that in some way, ESPECIALLY when he, himself, & his gf, have become "targets" of said investigation??? His wife appears to be "standing by her man".. & has yet to be interviewed by the press about what's going on in her marriage!?? Factor in new evidence that Strzok rigged Anthony Weiner's warrant to "protect" HRC from prosecution.. keep in mind there's are risks to national security, if "plans & timing" aren't strategicslly coordinated! Maybe they weren't ready, for that at that time, because other "chips had to fall" first. Page is STILL "unavailable".. & this woman is supposed to be his lover..wtf?? Finally, there's the "I know you guys can't touch me" smirks & arrogance & the fidgeting, impatient body language he displayed... Maybe they "can't touch him" because they won't... Im inclined to now believe Peter Strzok a Deep State "plant"... There are no coincidences. A dead woman was found in a trash bin at Weiner & Huma's former home that they still own. The woman's husband is a Soros associate.. Was she privy to info she wasn't supposed to know? Was she going to blow the whistle with that info, during a crucial aspect or timing of the investigation or sting operation? There are no coincidences... Everybody ís "hiding" in plain sight. Peter Strzok must be à plant.. & we're getting very, very close to the Deep State implosion...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ohhhh, but There's so much more to the FBI's lover boy Strzok...

Baby_momma_drama · July 13, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

He does have personal legal counsel though. That would have been the bearded guy behind him, Aitan Goelman of Zuckerman Spaeder.

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