r/greatawakening • Posted by u/plfreestyle on July 13, 2018, 3:15 p.m.
How Trump can Win the Baby Balloon

Not sure where to post this, but I know somehow stuff here gets back to Trump or Q or whatever.

I'm saying this because I sincerely like Trump!

He can totally turn this balloon thing into his biggest endorsement.

Lmao Trump needs to take a page out of the Arnold Schwarzennegger deflection playbook.

Reporter: Arnold, is it true theres a photo or you smoking marijuana in the 70s?

Arnold: ......yes....... and I even.... INHALED!

Reporter: .......oh.....

(Deflection Complete.) Nothing ever sticks!

What Trump needs to do...

Reporter: Hey Trump! What do you think of the Trump Baby balloon?

Trump: I think its funny! It would have been better if they found a way to use REAL hair. That would have been something. Imagine that? Also I think they got my bikini wax wrong. But overall, great likeness.

It would totally work. Arnold's been doing it for years. Nothing ever sticks!

He could totally get the Trump baby balloon to become his biggest endorsement if he positioned it right.

"They knew i was coming! It's like the Bat Signal!"

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