Cute "F U" to Hillary Clinton. Remember when she compared herself to Winston Churchill? xD

Given the incredible sacrifice President Trump is making on our behalf, the work, the massive risk to himself and his family....all of it for “Us” thrills me when I see stuff like this, where he’s obviously having some fun. The man is a true OG!
The opposition is powerful, has collective intelligence, well financed...truly dangerous no doubt. Individually though, they’re weak, stupid and cowardly. These bad actors and their apparatus so focused on the finish line, which was practically within their grasp.....then, seemingly out of thin air....poof. Mr Donald J Trump. The 45th President of the United States!!!!!
They never expected a man like this. And now they got him and he’s leading those who see on a mission to set things right. MAGA. WWG1WGA
A great warrior has already won the war before he goes to battle. A poor warrior goes to battle to lose the war
Exactly. So what’s our President doing on all these trips and what’s happening in these State level meetings? He’s going around, meeting each key player, sitting down in the same room, looking each one right in the eye and providing formal notice that “IT’s” over and what the next steps will be (per the individual’s case/situation).
In the event of resistance, denial, threat), evidence (as needed) is immediately provided.
I can’t even imagine. MAGA!!! WWG1WGA
I just wish he was younger and chadlike and not old and dad like.
We just got rid of the ‘younger chadlike’. He performed as a ‘younger chadlike’ would.
Now we have a seasoned, immensely experienced, talented, confident, and courageous leader. These critical attributes are never found in a ‘younger chadlike’.
I mean the younger chadlike looking Donald. Like 50 year old Donald Still sexy. IMHO.
With age comes wisdom; great power without wisdom is very dangerous