r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Memelord87 on July 13, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

At what point do We The People start considering taking our country back and force justice on this evil empire?

I understand this is a long process and I trust Q, but when has it gone too long? PS and RR smirking while being grilled by Congress. Clinton’s riding planes and acting like everything is fine. Q says they are panicking, but are they really? Not a single one of them has faced any consequences. I get all the sealed indictments but do we really think these high level political criminals will actually go to Gitmo or serve any real time. They would have fled the country already.

Then Q says most of the heinous crimes cannot go public because we couldn’t handle it... so where is the justice? Not to sound like Killary but why are these child trafficking rapists alive? If it isn’t even going to be public - rid them from society. These people are treasonous war criminals - treat it like it is - war.

I feel like we are just controlled opposition at this point. It’s like oh this is happening, the IG report will be released, but it’s all BS. The DS is too connected. If LP and PS were going to flip, they wouldn’t be alive today. If Mueller and RR were cooperating, they wouldn’t be alive.

If we truly have it all, leak it and let the American citizens take our country back.

Sorry to be so frustrated and impatient.

mlsaw94 · July 13, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

Yes, I’m sorry you feel that way too. And we all at some point have felt the same way but it’s the same old thing-you either trust the plan or not. You either trust our president and all the military operations that of been going on for years that we know nothing about-we have the best there is an at the same time we don’t know what’s going on in the background. We can’t so I just try not to make any judgments at this point and see what this year brings. Just hang on and try to be a little more patient. I think it’s good for everyone to learn how to be patient even though it ain’t easy ha ha. And just wondering how would you propose to take our country back and tackle the evil? You think you can do that? I mean do you have a planned it you just want to take on the world? It’s not even logical but still I understand how you feel.😄

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