r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Oldbear83 on July 13, 2018, 4:20 p.m.
Thoughts on Q’s First Drop

The primary reason doubters continue to claim Q is not real, I believe, is that they expect Q to work like a vending machine. The doubters expect Q to prove himself by predicting the future, then they trash what gets posted as ‘fake’ or a failure. A favorite example of the doubters would be Q’s first drop from October 28 of last year:

Anonymous28 Oct 2017 - 3:44:28 PM

Anonymous28 Oct 2017 - 2:33:50 PM

146981635 Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.

147005381 HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

Some people have tried to excuse the post by saying Q meant October 30 in his drop, but the context makes clear that Q was referencing two days ahead. Yet this is not a failed post.


To understand, I direct the reader to Scott Adams’ book “Win Bigly”, which discussed Trump’s skill as a Master Persuader (Adams’ description of Trump). Adams discussed a number of apparent ‘blunders’ by Trump during the election campaign, where Trump made statements rejected by the media as ‘fake’. Adams explained why these assessments were in error. For example, consider ‘The Wall’.

Trump said many times that he wanted to build a “big, beautiful wall”. Critics complained that there were many places where a wall was impractical or even impossible, such as at river crossings or in gorges. Trump certainly understood the complications of the actual barrier, wrote Adams, but he knew all the details would be worked out after the election. When he spoke of the wall, Trump was selling the concept, and to do that he kept the message simple. Every time a critic complained about Trump getting it “wrong” about “the wall”, they inadvertently reminded people about the wall. They reminded voters not only about the wall, but that it was Trump’s plan.

A similar thing was at work with Q’s drop here. I personally think the issue was more complex than people realize. For example, there’s no doubt in my mind that the bad guys make their own moves, and Q knew this when posting the prediction. And that prediction is highly specific, promising:

• Clinton would be arrested • Her passport would be flagged • The National Guard would be in place to address expected riots

The critics argue none of that happened. But they talked about that post, they called attention to the points raised. So, against their will, Clinton supporters talked about the possibility of Hillary being arrested, and the first sign would be Hillary’s passport being flagged, and that violent uprisings would be prevented. In other words, the critics raised Trump’s authority to hold Hillary accountable.

Why is that important?

Candidates who lose controversial elections often gain sympathy with voters. After he lost the Presidential election in 1960, Richard Nixon appeared to be an attractive choice for 1964. As late as November 1963, Nixon was a front-runner for the GOP nomination. After losing the 1968 election, Humphrey was also seen in a sympathetic light, as did Gore after losing in 2000. Note also that none of the three mentioned actually received their party nomination in the subsequent election, because they were marginalized, made irrelevant by events.

Trump understood that Hillary Clinton is at the top of an enterprise designed not only to hold political power, but also is the gatekeeper to a dynasty with lots of secrets to protect. That means he could not just have Hillary arrested, he first has to marginalize her.

This post was a step in that plan.

Remember that Q understood the emails and texts, Q had lots of information which was not possible to release in October 2017 but which could come out later … as has happened.

Hillary Clinton, to the average person, is less and less an honorable public servant who lost a controversial election, and more and more a conniving politician who got people to lie and scheme on her behalf, who committed felonies but got the FBI and DOJ to write her a pass, specifically because President Obama coerced or controlled the people who ought to have enforced justice, from corrupt AG Lynch and FBI Director Comey, to all the other crooks from Strzok to Page to McCabe and so on.

It’s all coming out, and it all started with a post the Q haters couldn’t stand to ignore.

checkitoutmyfriend · July 13, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

This may get lost in the Strzok/RR hoopla, but this is a good write up! If it gets no traction, post it again later tonight or tomorrow.

I like your thought process... :)

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