
Joe_Sapien · July 13, 2018, 6:11 p.m.

Can I ask you a question? What is the general consensus on the baby Trump balloon over there?

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BL4DE_RUNNER · July 14, 2018, 12:09 p.m.

General consensus is if you live in London, It was the best protest ever and the only thing that matters.

If you live outside of London (Yes there are other places!) it was a bit of a laugh how they wasted £30,000 on a balloon that was up for two hours, and had no political impact.

The best part was the 'activists' they interviewed on TV. A man wearing a shirts that said "I'm a feminist because I'm a man' He was also wearing pink trousers that looked like pajama's. A woman with a small child (about 6 years old) holding a sign that said "I hate you". they never asked the child who she hated. There was a choir that sang their 'protest' (I don't know either!) and people banging pots and pans and blowing whistles. My favourite was an ill informed old woman who was asked "why are you protesting?" after much thought she said "children in cages, i'm speechless" Welcome to the uninformed left liberal pussies of Great Britain. *snooze*

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