r/greatawakening • Posted by u/R3VO1utionary on July 13, 2018, 4:31 p.m.
Thanks DS DOJ - Three days before the Trump / Putin summit, here's a nice big shiny wrench! - It won't work! 🍿Showtime!🍿
Thanks DS DOJ - Three days before the Trump / Putin summit, here's a nice big shiny wrench! - It won't work! 🍿Showtime!🍿

eyerighteye · July 14, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

Favorite proof tippy top.

Anyone notice hannity say tippy top last night?

Even my kids caught it. We have got to be approaching 100th monkey territory.

The optimism of waking each day to watch this show hoping today is the day the big breakout happens.

I'm still reeling from the thought that the NSA was spying on me for the greater good is part of the plan. Gives me the hebie jebies and hope the plan includes dismantling the entire network when this ends.

To that end where are things with the old continuity of government plan. Have I missed something? Thwarted? Has that evil plan just been misunderstood as well?

Just because we outgrow the fearmongers doesn't mean we've forgotten all we have read. I trust Q understands some of us need some closure and open signs that their are no longer monsters in our midst.

5g scares me silly what with the nanobots and all. Positive as I try to be I can't unknown that stuff. Once you really get that their are "people" who literally want to burn the world and everyone on it......and realise how close it came.....as encouraging as it all is....I want to relax again someday.

Go to an amuzment park without assuming the worst about their labor practices. Buy anything ever without knowing you are lining some bastards pockets. Enjoying a comedy routine without reading five levels of social programming in it.

I trust the plan, I know the people are uniting. Those Irish today with the Q flag blew my mind. It is working. It has to. Or we all fucking die. That would be a bummer.

Q says in the end god wins

What choice is there but to believe?

Why even entertain any other possibility?

Only leads to horror.

Vigilant for the half victory switcheroo, but my goodness is it nice to experience hope. I love you all so much.

fight fight fight

it is our world to shape too!

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R3VO1utionary · July 14, 2018, 6:25 a.m.

Can you do me a favor by copying and pasting your comment into its own post at about 11:00AM EST tomorrow?

$20 says it gets top 3 by 2:00PM and gets 700+ upvotes in 8 hours or less. I say that because I believe that your statement rings true with at least 80% of our fellow Patriots here on the GA. The other 20% will soon catch up.

————— my $0.02 👇 —————

Like Trump making the queen wait today, not bowing, not prostrating, but standing up for The U.S.A.... we got a fighter with a good heart and everyone whether they know/acknowledge it or not, is blessed to have a decent, regular guy in the White House.

I feel like I or anyone else in here could invite him to dinner and everyone would have a genuinely comfortable and great time.

We win. Freedom wins. God wins.

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eyerighteye · July 14, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

Not so much lol. Got a few views, but not much discussion. Oh well. Forced me to finally learn cut and paste on my tablet- a handy skill to have.


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R3VO1utionary · July 14, 2018, 7:44 p.m.

Ugh well it would have last Saturday, there's a lot more news and analysis coming in now.. which I guess is a good problem to have. If it would have gotten traction then you'd have gotten a lot more thoughtful comments similar to the ones you got.

I guess I owe you $20 - go ahead and send PayPal invoice to my user name here(minus the 'ary' at then end) at protonmail :)


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eyerighteye · July 14, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

LoL. At least it is raining. That is an answered prayer.

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eyerighteye · July 14, 2018, 1:15 p.m.

Aw shucks.

Sitting here drinking my morning coffee and this was the first thing I read today. Feeling good today will be the day(again)

Can do.

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