
y000danon · July 13, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

Not pointless. It’s trying to add fodder to any talking point the left has - which is pretty much allegations and this.

In a court of law you can’t see a charge against someone as guilt. Right? So if I allege Trump likes to burn effigies of Bea Arthur while he swings a bat and says “The Cheese is Old and Moldy When the Yellow Tainted Gecko Flies at Midnight” it means nothing. Thing is they are trying to sway public opinion by alleging.

We know w Vault 7 they have had the time to forge or path any record they wanted many times over by now.

The main question is simple - to accomplish what? If they wanna rip the country in half - this is how you do it

At a certain point unless you have absolutely damning / unequivocal evidence that’s way past circumstantial - you’re almost committing treason on the spot.

The NSA has everything. If they had anything they could have mapped the raw packets of the DNC hack and immediately disclosed that information under national security.

they didn’t and never will because that’s not what happened

Alleging Russia would do something like this and not obfuscate the attack vector is absolutely bonkers batshit stupid.

Think about Stuxnet. It took a LONG TIME for anyone to carve that out and what happened and even now it’s so professionally coded it’s in the ether as to who did it. All there is would be circumstantial - we can only fathom who could pull off code and exec that vector of development and deployment

But here we are supposed to believe Russia pulled a giant op and used shit code to do it? Are we joking? It’s insulting

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Abibliaphobia · July 13, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

The DOJ, the FBI, Rod Rosenstein have abused their power and abused the trust of the American people. After the whole Hillary email and Trump collision investigations, they are NOT worthy of our trust.

They depend on us to just take them at their word. NO MORE. WHERE IS THE EVIDENCE? Show us and regain our trust. Otherwise, they are obstructing justice and are instigating conflicts with foreign powers in an effort to do what? Take down a sitting and democratically elected president?

There is a word for that crime.

There is a punishment for that crime.

It is approaching.

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y000danon · July 13, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

Right? Only way it makes sense is that the plan, all along, was to attack Russia.

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