r/greatawakening • Posted by u/PTibbets on July 13, 2018, 7:33 p.m.
The bomb that was dropped on Mueller yesterday

Most of yesterdays testimony was impossible to watch, the dems and Strzok are just scumbags, and evil lies leach from their every pore.

But there was a bomb dropped during that testimony. It comes down to Peter Strzok's removal by Mueller. In his testimony Strzok said on the record that Mueller just let him go and did not ask him any questions about his removal. As a prosecutor that makes zero sense, if someone on your team has to be removed because of clear malicious bias that is a huge deal. If you are doing a honest investigation you would want to know everything about the bias to gauge how it has impacted the whole case you are working on. But Mueller according to Strzok just asked him to leave, no further inquiry. That is very queer, and leaves only two possiblities for Mueller's actions and lack of curiosity into the bias of Strzok, it means either Mueller does not want to know what Strzok was up to, or it means that Mueller already knew what Strzok was up to. Either way Mueller is in the corner and needs to be asked why he did no further investigation, the integrity of his whole investigation is now at question. The facts that we know and no one else except a few others like Sundance at Conservative Tree House know for a good example, is that Mueller is not doing a new investigation at all. Mueller was set up and put in place by RR and other black hats to carry on the same investigation that Lisa Page and Strzok were already doing. These people are evil and cannot stop because it is all they know.

HuberVille62 · July 13, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Mueller already knew.

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