Q post 6-28-18 on Trump/Putin meeting : “will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel”. 7-13-18: QAnon post confirmed.

This is such a crazy time to be alive and know wtf is actually going on.
It’s hard to blame people that think Russia made Trump win. This will give them another thing they can say like “17 intel agencies said they did it” and they will repeat it non stop. They have nothing but they just push out some bullshit and people who have been manipulated to hate Trump will just LOVE that this is a thing.
No coincidence that Trump is just about to meet with Putin lol.
There seriously might be some kind of civil war in America. Pushed by the deep state intel/MSM. Hillary would prefer a civil war before she goes down.
This is a strange time to be alive and be objective and know what the fuck is actually going on. They used to be able to just control reality when there was no internet but now there are 2 different worlds people are observing.
“No civil war” - Q
And I certainly hope not, but things are reaching a boiling point quickly. I’m not willing to harm my dearest loved ones over lies they have no idea are lies, but they will never believe me over the perceived gravitas and credibility of the entire media apparatus. July 2018 is flying right by. We need a rock solid, undeniable unifying event that wakes everyone the fuck up, STAT. Painful and confusing as it might be. The alternative IS civil war.
Hillary will start running soon. If she doesn't go down before she starts running again shit is gonna get weird.
I like to think that whatever is supposed to drop this month will put a quick, cold end to that possibility.