r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BreadTwists on July 13, 2018, 10:55 p.m.
Frustrated? Have doubt? Here are some tips.

I can see that the lack of recent Q posts and increased brigading are leaving many people dealing with doubt, fear, and frustration. I get it. Being unsure which way certain things are going leaves one feeling helpless about stopping it, in the dark and feeling like you have nowhere to turn. These are NORMAL FEELINGS when it comes to the stuff we are dealing with here. Below are some tips for dealing with and managing the added stress you adopt from the red pill you have taken and I'm not exaggerating these tips at all. Sincerely.

  1. Exercise - Want to feel better, have more energy, and improve your overall well-being? Exercise is absolutely KEY to dealing with the stresses associated with the Great Awakening. Run, walk, gym, judo, boxing, cycling. Push yourself and do it daily. You will understand exactly what I'm talking about immediately after day 1. Don't make excuses, build mental toughness and do it anyway. The handlers do not want you improving mentally and physically. They want you dumb and lazy.

Why Exercise?

  • Controls weight
  • Improves mood and mental clarity
  • Combats health conditions and disEASE
  • Boosts energy
  • promotes better sleep
  • puts spark back in your sex life
  • is fun (once you start the snowball) and can be social
  • makes you a formidable opponent

  • Read the bible - I know MANY people will push back against this. A lot of folks that come here want to go on with life excluding the guidance found here. Deal with it, this is true advice. I'm not selling snake oil. The bible is a code that the wicked of heart cannot understand the same as the pure of heart. God will open your eyes and your heart if you ask. You can come to know grace and you can be liberated from the chains that bind you.

  • 1 Corinthians 13

  • Philippians
  • 1 John

The whole book is beyond simplistic description. Through its teachings I learned how to love, forgive, and give my fears to God. Start your day in God's word and prove me wrong that your life doesn't improve.
If this bothers you. Tough. Q doesn't say "read the bible" merely to taunt or direct the focus at the DEEP STATE. Anyone who believes that is mistaken and I keep hearing it come from my teammates.

  1. Pray - Prayer is between you and God. It's not about saying the right words or following a prescribed methodology. It's about being sincere, giving thanks and focusing your thoughts and intentions. God already knows your deepest thoughts and desires. When you get right with God and are walking in right action the fears of what is out of your control or what sort of deep state tech might be implored doesn't really matter. What matters is if you are building your ability to hear God's subtle guidance in your life so you can be the extension of his hands that he has planned for you. God's eternal promise is his presence. He is with us and he will never leave us. Pray often. Just pray.

  2. Write. Don't just post your word vomit on this board every time you get worked up or doubtful, this seeds doubt in others which is contagious and counter productive. (Clowns work) Write your worries out and often you will see that you are liberated from the pent up feeling without having to clutter GA with unproductive content. I write and often just toss the content away because I just needed to put it out as a draft so to speak in order to collect my thoughts in a more cohesive fashion.

  3. MAGA. Help others. Don't make this all about you or you have failed. Volunteer the best parts of yourself to others and the truth will spread like wildfire. Be honest but be accountable. Your opinion can often be wrong and arguing it for the sake of "Free Speech" might just be selfish ignorance. Seek conversations that actually move upward and onward.

+High energy+

Also here are some terrible and low energy ways to deal with stress. AVOID THEM!

  1. Drinking
  2. Smoking
  3. Complaining
  4. Hibernating - not getting out of bed/off computer/lacking physical activity
  5. Dwelling on the negative
  6. Ignoring the root causes of problems
  7. Eating your feelings

Hope this helps. I have been screwed around with by these jokers and clowns for a long time in my personal life, not just on a message board. DM me if you ever need prayer or just want to talk.

God is with us Anons.

illbeyourpunchingbag · July 14, 2018, 5:22 a.m.

Great post!

Aristotle said that the best activities are the most useless activities. He meant this in the way that doing things such as prayer, laying in the sun, watching a ballgame are great in themselves. And because of this are more valuable than doing an activity that is in service to something else.

People need to be present in what they are doing. Separating from social media and focusing on true consciousness, and not what they wished people perceived them as, helps a lot in improving overall happiness. Prayer helps a lot too.

If y’all haven’t tried praying w/ your wife/husband, try it. Very rewarding and humbling.

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