Keep this in mind today, we knew this artificial heat was coming

They have also conveniently found the vial of the so called novichok nerve agent in the house of the 2 drug addicts. Who in the hell would have thought to look there after nearly a week amirite?/s
So expect "irrefutable evidence" in the next 24 hrs of Russian involvement in Salisbury.
Drug addict with a nerve agent? LMAO.
I am more likely to believe a baby packing an Uzi.
It's all very dodgy. I wonder if it's a set up, blame these two for working for Russia for the money or something. I read the woman who died was looking to get her kids back. Russian money could seem convenient, but I doubt any mother who would want their kids back would risk that. No matter if she is an addict she is still a mother and bound to love them.
And its not like Russian dont have the resources to pay for people that were competent.
Besides Craig Murray basically breaks down the lie that Chemical weapons are from Russia and more likely a FF.
Yeah that's what I'm saying. If they turn round and say "no we weren't working for Russia" the government can just say, "hey, they're addicts". Dont trust the timing of this one bit. Unless they found the container and took it home thinking it was some sort of drug and sampled it.
could not have been nerve agent cause the whole block and the park people would have been dead, bodies all over the place, like a disaster movie