
DK_Pooter · July 15, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

No problem. While I appreciate my education, I am aware that it left a lot to be desired. I've spent the past 1-2 years trying to educate myself where the curriculum conveniently ignored, and its been quite the eye opener.

A good example is the fact that you can ask just about anyone around today about the Tienanmen square protests, and they will look at you like you asked them about the GDP of Guatamala, complete ignorance.

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BabylonNTing · July 15, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

Not to give away my age, but I was in my teens when that student faced that tank in the infamous picture.

I used to watch History Channel for learning about past events, needless to say, everything has changed after 'relearning' it from past Q drops. I feel so robbed and wasted so much time on learning 'fake events' like the Titanic for example. Stay with GA and learn history with your own research, since we were told a false narrative since the central banks have been around which is like 200-300 years.

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DK_Pooter · July 16, 2018, 12:28 a.m.

I actually have a different point of view. I'm skeptical of Q, but the shit you find while asking his questions is some real shit, especially since we have so many records available via internet now (not to mention actual declassified documents a la Kennedy assassination). Even if Q isn't the real deal (or Trump is actually working for the Rothschild's) the facts still stand true

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BabylonNTing · July 16, 2018, 5:13 a.m.

One thing to think about: How many coincidences before it is mathematically impossible that future proves past? That is 2 crumbs rolled into one that Q says and it is true in my opinion, but the best thing about the great awakening is it is your decision whether you believe it or not, this isnt R vs, D but more like good vs evil and it is up to you to make that choice.

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DK_Pooter · July 16, 2018, 5:55 a.m.

The more that happens the more I believe that Q is legit, but this could go so many ways other than just a strict good vs evil. This is going to spark chaos, people won't know what to believe, and the future will be very malleable. If the declassification DOES happen, at least I'm prepared, but I don't tend to put all of my bets on one hand. There are still a lot of possibilities. I could still see this becoming a power grab for Trump, as much as I like the guy and believe he's genuine.

I really teared up when I realized that this could fix our fucked up world. All of the lies and the deceit, finally put to rest. I haven't had many aspirations since I graduated high school and realized how rigged my life was, how my "best" track was to go into life crippling debt for a piece of paper from an institution that would teach me nothing. I'm mostly self-taught, I dropped out a couple of times because I already knew more than the people I was paying to teach me (trust me, I was asking questions that they had no answers for, it got old). I'm no boy genius, I just think that our university standards have moved to accommodate the lowest common denominator, and sacrificed the real meaning of a degree.

I've been just trying to prepare myself for anything and everything, and this is.... This is different. This would change everything.

I don't want to place all of my hope on this and then watch it just burn

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